
English News 20

The 8 Types Of Professors You'll Have In College(대학에 가면 만나게 될 교수들의 8가지 유형)

The One Who Loves Their Job This is the professor that everyone hopes to have. They come in every day with a huge smile on their face and are eager to help out whoever they can. All you have to do is show the slightest amount of interest in their class and they will totally fall in love with you. Be prepared for tons of enthusiasm and them pressuring you to change your major to whatever subject ..

English News 2023.05.16

4 Sisters Took The Same Picture For 40 Years And The Change Overtime Is Beautiful

The sibling bond, especially among sisters, is a really special bond that in itself is an immensely significant relationship. That being said, this article celebrates the amazing bond among sisters. These four sisters, Heather, Mimi, Laurie and BeBe, decided to capture their experiences in a unique series of insightful photographs. So, let’s join these sisters in their amazing journey that spann..

English News 2023.05.10